Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tit for Tat: War Games

South Korea: “We will make sure it pays a dear price without fail.”

North Korea: "Escalated confrontation would lead to a war and he who is fond of playing with fire is bound to perish therein. Gone are the days when verbal warnings are served only."

United States: "The United States stands shoulder to shoulder with our close friend and ally, the Republic of Korea" Let's send a gunboat - in this case, a nuclear aircraft carrier.

China: "Emergency meeting!"

For more information: KBS, The NY Times, CBC

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Aftermath

Interestingly enough, the North Koreans who are currently visiting my parents in China have heard about the attacks on Yeonpyeong Island. Although they are in a land that has far more freedom to information than theirs, they still came to the conclusion that South Korea is to blame for the conflict. As they are currently in China, they probably have not seen North Korea's state operated media reports, but the mind that has been controlled for many years by propaganda automatically assumes without question "the other" as the evil perpetrator.

For more information: Ariel View at BBC
Slideshow at Reuters

Some Opinions about the Attack

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Artillery Attacks on Yeonpyeong Island

Yesterday's attacks leaves me wondering what will be next.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

North Korea's Family Tree - Compiled by BBC

For more information: BBC

Profile of Kim Jung-un

Who is he? Not much is known about him; most is speculated.

  • Youngest son of Kim Jung-il and late third wife Ko Yong-hui
  • Born in 1983 or early 1984
  • Nicknamed "Morning Star Kim" by his mother
  • Father's favourite
  • Swiss educated
  • Can speak, English, German, and French
  • Attended Kim Il-Sung Military University
  • Avid skier and fan of NBA
  • Splitting image of his father in face, body shape, and personality
  • Shares some of his father's health concerns (diabetes and heart disease) due to lack of exercise
  • Inexperienced and untested with no political legitimacy other than his birth
What is his current position?

  • Vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Worker's Party
  • Rank of four-star general
  • Appointed to the National Defence Commission
  • Ranks 6th in the North Korean hierarchy
  • By order supported by the North Korean officials as the next leader
  • Has recent poems and songs composed to promote his virtues as a leader
  • Has 10 million portraits ready for distribution to hang alongside his father and grandfather
What will he inherit?

  • Nuclear weapons
  • No economy
  • Widespread hunger and famine
  • Disgruntled population
  • Labour camps
  • Country still at war
What an inheritance. I think I would take his oldest brother's lead and try to escape to Disney World; a much better fantasy land.

For more information: BBC, CBC, Chosun Ilbo, The NY Times

Rock and Roll

Recent footage from the military parade where Kim Jung-un made an appearance. The North Koreans really know how to rock the goose-step march.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Next Dear Leader?

Kim Jong-il's youngest son, Kim Jong-un made a rare public appearance October 10, 2010 at a massive military parade alongside his father. Kim Jong-un, who was hardly known even in his own country until recently, is expected to inherit his family's kingdom. Last month Kim Jong-un was made a four-star general and given senior positions in the government and the Korean Workers' Party. What kind of leader will he be? Will he be as dear as his father?

For more information: BBC