Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hacker Army

South Koreans are in to gaming.
North Koreans are into hacking.
And apparently both are on the top of their game.

It was revealed earlier this week that North Korean hackers breached South Korea's military Internet network stealing around 2000 national secrets on March 5, 2009. How did they get so good?

"Kim Dong-sung, a lawmaker for the ruling Grand National Party. 'Over the last 10 years, we (South Korea: Unification Ministry) provided more than 3,000 Pentium-level computers to North Korea and helped train their workers in IT skills. What we have ended up doing is to train a unit of hackers.'" (Chosun Ilbo).

And how good are they?

"The U.S. Defense Department's tracing of countries where users visited U.S. military websites for several years revealed that North Korea made the most connections to them. There is speculation that North Korea is second only to the CIA in terms of hacking capabilities" (Chosun Ilbo).

More information: