Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rev. Franklin Graham's Visit to North Korea

"Graham spent Oct. 12-15 in North Korea (the DPRK, or Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). He was welcomed to Pyongyang by several top DPRK officials, who do not usually meet with non-government delegations, according to news reports. This was Graham’s third trip to North Korea. He visited one of the three hospitals where, earlier this year, technicians from Samaritan’s Purse installed diesel generators and solar panels to provide electrical power. Since 1997, Samaritan’s Purse has provided more than $10 million in medical and dental equipment and other assistance in North Korea. Graham’s latest visit coincided with the delivery of $190,000 worth of dental equipment to outfit a school that can train up to 70 rural dentists a year" (Samaritan's Purse).

This is not the first time an organization was asked for money and supplies to build a dental clinic in PyongYang. Should there not be many by now then?

On a positive note, solar panels to generate the much needed electricity in North Korea is a brilliant idea.

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